
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Rockstar Games Announces Grand Theft Auto Vita

Rockstar games sent out A tweet announcing Grand Theft Auto for the ps vita. The announcement came early this afternoon (5/22/2014). 

The tweet announced that Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories will be remastered and making their way to the Vita very soon. Let us know what you think in the comments below. 

The picture comes via @JH_Boos on twitter.

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  1. Thank god someone has a brain. This is so damn fake it's not funny. Another thing to support this is why would they rerelease this on Vita? You could download it off the PS Store right now if you wanted to. This is just another case of people trying to bring down the Vita, as per usual. Thanks for pointing it out. :)

  2. There are a lot of things wrong with the tweet and it all stems from the cover art. Even if it was "placeholder" it still seems so...tacky. The other, is the tweet itself was deleted, leaving the only way to preserve it as up for suspicion. I wouldn't believe it's official until it's official, just to be sure.

  3. It is pretty disappointing considering these games are already available on the store. Also a quick note, this was a real tweet that was then taken down by Rockstar. This is not photoshopped

  4. Professional Photo-Shopper here to tell you guys, sorry, but this is fake.

    A quick Google search shows us that same picture comes up and is directly from Rockstar's Website. (

    Rockstar logo in the bottom right hand corner, comes from a quick
    Google Image Search and is the second image. (Note that whoever made
    this did forgot to take out small (R) in the bottom right hand corner
    which is not present in Rockstar Covers)

    The "Rating Pending" Logo
    is also quite easy to find. Again the first Google image result for
    "Rating Pending" comes up with this. (note that the RP logo is far more
    compressed and thus becomes blurrier as it has been resized compared
    with the rest of the image)

    The Box itself comes from, again, a
    quick Google Image Search. Any art could be used have been used. (I
    just picked Ninja Gaiden as it was among the top results for "PS Vita
    Game Box") One would simply need to draw a black box over the existing
    image. (Additionally, please note how much more consistent the Ninja
    Gaiden promotional box art is compared to this)

    On the top Right
    hand corner we see the [NTSC V/C] Logo which does not exist on
    promotional art for video games. Only after games pass certification do
    they receive this. Moreover, PlayStation Vita games do not receive the
    logo designation in that place.

    What gives this away almost
    immediately, is the fact that the image is not just blurry, but
    inconsistent. Particularly the two logos at the bottom, both of which
    have been clearly re-sized to fit this fake. While the center image
    remains at a sharper resolution.

    The twitter image is much sharper
    in the original IGN posting, but never the less quite easy to recreate.
    The background and user picture are copied directly from the official
    Rockstar's verified twitter account and one must simply make a fake
    twitter handle where one or two of the letters in handle are different
    than Rockstar's current account handle. They were then Photoshopped
    back in. The user then simply created a fake tweet and took a photo from
    their cell phone or camera, uploaded it and posted it on IGN as well as
    the artwork they created from a separate account.

    Lastly I would
    like to point out the flaw in this research. I am not sure how you came
    by this information, but the originator of these pictures is two guest
    accounts off the website
    Presumably the same person has created two accounts. The first of
    which happens to be the only person who noticed this posting out of the
    2,700,000+ followers of Rockstar games Twitter account. Seems likely,

    The "second user," cites a non existing page on Reddit as
    the source of the information and claims to have, again been the only
    one to see it. I ask you, which is more likely that two separate people
    posting within minutes of each other happened to be the ONLY TWO people
    to find this, or that they are the same person with a Photoshopped
    fake? Even without analytical knowledge of how Photoshop works or
    creation of promotional art, the likelihood of this being fake is almost

    Please update this site
    accordingly as this is simply encouraging other users to do the same in
    the future.

  5. Wow seriously so disapointed, would have actually been impressed if they had anounced this for the 3DS. At this point I was expecting San Andres city stories, and I hated Grand Theft Auto San Andres on the original Xbox.

  6. Joshua SmallArms SimpkinsJuly 5, 2014 at 5:16 AM

    I would rather see GTA V for PS4. :-/

  7. I'm perfectly fine with the port as long as it's hi-res and has a proper, console controls. Never played through the games on my PSP mainly due to the limiting controls and sub-PS2 graphics. I would love to play those in proper re-mastered versions. Be sure that if this will turn out to be at least a moderate success, they WILL make a new one for the Vita.


  9. Alan Fuentes RamirezAugust 5, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    VITA is turnin into a Remastered,HD,Port , whe know nintendo did it with the 3ds with some popular games, but THAT WAS ONLY AT THE BEGINING OF THE CONSOLE BIRTH and did it only so they had more time to make other games for the console, eventually they start making some original games like zelda and mario kart and smash bros, SONY desperately need a change on perspective.
