Thursday, July 31, 2014
August PS Vita PS Plus Lineup Revealed

Friday, July 25, 2014
Is Bioshock being Teased For The PS Vita Again?
It looks like Bioshock might still be making its way to the PS Vita. In the past few days the official Twitter page of 2K has been teasing something for Bioshock.
2K's Twitter page tweeted out this picture.
The picture also had the comment "Oooo WHAT could this mean".
You might recognize this photo as an advertisement from Bioshock 1, and Bioshock 2. Even though you should take this with a grain of salt, this could very well mean that the PS Vita could be getting a Bioshock collection containing the first two games.
We all know that the turn-based Bioshock Ken Levine was attempting to get going never panned out. Perhaps this is Sony and 2K's cheaper way of scratching PS Vita owners Bioshock itch. Plus come on, who would rather have a turn based game over the original 2 Bioshock games. Let us know what you think in the comments below.
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Thursday, July 24, 2014
1001 Spikes PS Vita Review
Gameplay- 9/10 The gameplay in 1001 Spikes is where the game truly shines. We have already explained that as the player you will only have 1001 lives to complete the utterly difficult game. Initially sure 1001 lives sounds like a lot, but once you delve into the game you realize that perhaps even 10,000 lives wouldn't be enough. Well, at least that was the case for me.
1001 Spikes puts you into a 2D world and expects you to platform your way to the end of each level. Of course there are multitudes of traps awaiting your arrival in an attempt to move you one life closer to defeat. Death of course, is inevitable in the game. You will find yourself falling off ledges, dropping into pools of lava, and being impaled by spikes that only show themselves after you are lying on the ground lifeless. For the impatient gamer, this game isn't for you. However for those seeking a challenge I am here to tell you, 1001 Spikes is your game.
The only big problem I have with 1001 Spikes is the multiplayer, or lack thereof. On the PS4 version of the game up to 4 players can sit on the couch together and take on the perils within the game together. This takes the game from being extremely frustrating to being hilariously fun to play with your close friends and family. On the PS Vita version however, multiplayer was completely removed from the game. After having played multiplayer, playing solo just didn't have that same appeal. However if this doesn't bother you as much as it does me, then the gameplay is absolutely perfect.
The last thing I'd like to mention about 1001 Spikes gameplay is the butt-load of extras they threw in for our pleasure. The game contains several unlockables to truly enhance the game and its replay value. As the player you will be able to unlock several costumes in game. Many of the costumes have a familiar theme, such as a blue jumpsuit for the original Ninja Gaiden. Each of the costumes have a unique ability to enhance the gameplay experience. For example one costume I used gave me the ability to do a wall grab, or another let me do double-jumps. Having the option to change costumes truly adds great value to an already great experience.
Story- 8/10 As to be expected with a game of its genre 1001 Spikes doesn't have much of a story to offer. This isn't necessarily a negative thing. In fact the game "not having a story" helps the player to focus on the games true star, the gameplay.
The player takes on the role of Aban Hawkins, an Indian Jones wannabe whose absolute hatred of his father leads him on a quest through extreme perils. Yeah, that's pretty much the entire plot. Like I said though, the game doesn't need a Last of Us type of story. The story is comedic, and perfect for the game. You will get a few good laughs out of it, but the only memorable part of 1001 Spikes will remain its hardcore gameplay.
Replay- 9/10 What can I say, this game is close to perfect. I personally couldn't put it down for the first playthrough. If you actually have the patience to make it through the first playthrough, you will almost inevitably find yourself wanting to go back for seconds.
You will want to hit the game up for a second try for three reasons. First of all you will earn plenty of unlockable costumes which make the difficulty more bearable. Secondly you will want to go back and finish getting those trophies. Finally, you will just be way too addicted to quit after just one playthrough. The game truly is worth your fifteen dollars.
Graphics/Sound- 9/10 1001 Spikes is your classic 8-Bit 2D platformer that would look perfectly normal running on an NES. There is nothing extremely special here to talk about, but that's just it. 1001 Spikes achieved exactly what it wanted with regards to how it looks, and sounds. So, like I said there isn't much else to say here. The game has a few graphical hiccups throughout the game, but nothing that you will notice while you are impaled with spikes again.
Overall 1001 Spikes is a must own on the Playstation Vita system. I continuously hear PS Vita owners complaining of the multitudes of 2D platformers that fill the PS Vita store. However this game is different, this game is unique. 1001 Spikes offers gamers a fun, albeit extremely frustrating, platformer to take on the go with them. 1001 Spikes has amazing gameplay mechanics, and awesome replay value. You can't go wrong purchasing this game. The only fault is the missing multiplayer, which is perfectly overlookable. However after experiencing the multiplayer hilarity you truly miss not having that on the go. Otherwise 1001 Spikes is another great entry in the PS Vita library.
PS Vita Pets Review
There are plenty of games out right now for the PS Vita that can suit anyone’s tastes. From visual novels to first person shooters, there’s a game for everyone. But there is one genre that’s missing: a pet simulator. The Nintendo 3DS has one in Nintendogs, so where is Sony’s answer? It’s right here with Playstation Pets. There’s a difference though, as these dogs can speak, don’t need a leash, and did I mention that these dogs can talk?? It’s a fresh take on a simulator game that offers exploration, training and a chatty dog.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Entwined Launches on The PS Vita Today
Entwined launches on the PS Vita and PS3 today. This news comes via the developers official Twitter.
For those who don't know Entwined is Sony's beautiful game created by their new studio. Their new studio, Pixelopous is comprised of students for Carnegie Mellon University.
Entwined will be cross-buy for the PS Vita, PS4, and PS3. You can buy one and get the other two for free.
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Monday, July 21, 2014
Pokemon Lookalike Collectems Headed To The PS Vita
Soldner X-2 Final Prototype Headed to PS Vita

The Ratchet and Clank Trilogy Comes To NA PS Vitas This Week
Friday, July 18, 2014
Metrico PS Vita Launches on August 5th
For those that don't know Metrico is a unique puzzle platformer that is based around infographics. This will be Digitial Dreams first game to appear on the PS Vita, and is being partly funded by Sony's Pub Fund.
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PS Vita Playstation Store Sneak Peek For July 22nd

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Thursday, July 17, 2014
Minecraft PS Vita Will Have Texture Packs Check Out This Screenshot
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Ratchet and Clank Trilogy Rated For The PS Vita in NA
The trilogy was already released in Europe a few weeks ago. However we had not heard of any details regarding the games releasing in North America. Let us know what you think of the news in the comments below.
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Monday, July 14, 2014
Timespinner Coming To The PS Vita
Timespinner is described as a "2D Metroidvania platformer." The game attempts to weave several aspects of Star Ocean, Castlevania, and Megaman X all into one game. Below I have listed several of the games features as listed on the official Kickstarter page.
- Stop Time To Evade Foes
- Explore a large connected world
- Clobber enemies with magic orbs
- Travel through time
- Upgrade abilities and purchase new ones
- Discover hidden areas and treasure
- Fight intense boss battles
- Adventure alongside companion familiars
You can expect to see Timespinner on the PS Vita very soon. In the meantime keep it connected to the VitaBoys for any further details, and leave us a comment below on what you think of Timespinner.
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Thursday, July 10, 2014
NIS America Teases NA Release of Ar noSurge PS Vita
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Rogue Legacy Launches July 29th On The PS Vita
Rogue Legacy is rogue-like game where players are tasked with capturing an ever changing castle. Rogue Legacy is an extremely unique rogue-like, that is like no other. When your player dies they are replaced with their children. Each of which has their own unique capabilities.
Rogue Legacy will launch on the PS Vita, alongside the PS4 and PS3 version. Rogue Legacy does support cross-buy, so buy one get em all.
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Friday, July 4, 2014
The PS Vita is in Extremely High Demand Right Now
A representative from Sony spoke on the issue of PS Vita shortages saying "The U.S. launch of the slimmer and lighter Vita has generated strong interest among gamers, and we're working to replenish supply here to ensure continued momentum leading into the holidays."
Even a Gamestop representative weighed in on the issue saying "The system has sold better than expected and we are working closely with Sony to receive more (systems)."
It is hard to say why there was such a sudden boost in PS Vita interest, heaven knows it wasn't due to E3. Perhaps the recent launch of Borderlands, or the upcoming Vita version of Minecraft has sparked some badly needed interest. The PS4 is also low on stock, perhaps there is correlation there. Whatever the reason lets continue to support the Vita, and watch it grow in numbers!
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