
Friday, July 25, 2014

Is Bioshock being Teased For The PS Vita Again?

It looks like Bioshock might still be making its way to the PS Vita. In the past few days the official Twitter page of 2K has been teasing something for Bioshock.

2K's Twitter page tweeted out this picture.

The picture also had the comment "Oooo WHAT could this mean".

You might recognize this photo as an advertisement from Bioshock 1, and Bioshock 2. Even though you should take this with a grain of salt, this could very well mean that the PS Vita could be getting a Bioshock collection containing the first two games.

We all know that the turn-based Bioshock Ken Levine was attempting to get going never panned out. Perhaps this is Sony and 2K's cheaper way of scratching PS Vita owners Bioshock itch. Plus come on, who would rather have a turn based game over the original 2 Bioshock games. Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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  1. Eve's garden -> Eve means "the living one" in Hebrew -> Life is "Vita" in Latin -> Bioshock Vita confirmed!

  2. That be kool but Im hearing at it might be a collector edtion for ps4 and xbone ( which would be stupid). If it is ( and i really hope it is) I pray that they find a decent studio to port it like Blue Point or some studio who have a good track record of doing good ports.

  3. Would be awesome, but the obvious thought to me was Apple = iOS version?

  4. That might be more Likely, however only time will tell. I think they'd be better off brininging to the Vita. Development wise

  5. I truly hope it is too. I hope they have a good developer port it too. So far the only high quality port on the Vita right now would be The Sly Collection (haven't played the ratchet and clank collection)

  6. So insightful. Sadly it might be too much of a stretch.

  7. If I comes to vita I would buy it. I will add it with my growing(50+) vita/psp/ps1 games. I need a 64gb soon this 8gb is making me mad switching back and forth!

  8. Oh I would buy it in a heartbeat too! I have to swap my memory cards back and forth, but for Bioshock Vita it'd be totally worth it

  9. Blue Point should do it. They made the Vita version of PSABR. Also The R&C Collection on Vita is really good

  10. As far as I'm concerned even as reboots they've arrived too late. I've lost interest in the idea of playing this game on the go, that and my backlog of vita games is huge. I wouldn't buy them day one, however I might buy it for vita once its on clearance for like $15-20 at retail.

  11. Both games would never fit in 3.4gb. Release them as separate titles for £25 or a double pack for £39.99. I would pre order in a heartbeat. If Sony has surprises like this for Gamescom I will cheer out loud in my towns main shopping street. I've been let down too often though so am simply hoping for a single AAA retail port and maybe a couple of AA retail titles at best. I hope to God we get some awesome shocks and I have to cheer though!

  12. That would be bloody awful and stupid by 2k to devalue current games that much.

  13. Not interested in ps4 ports. Talk about boring. Ps4 has not a single retail title that is a buy for me till UC4.
